Loved the piece, Prem. Subscribed just a couple of days back. I do savour Mohit's gems every Sunday.

And, yes, Mitali Saran was a riot. Really miss her in the Business Standard.

Can't thank you guys enough. Without you all, one would start looking like....well, this election's victors at Modi's high tea?!

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Thanks for reading, Gopi. Comments, thoughts, links all welcome. And yes, Mitali is superb - our best columnist by a distance.

No thanks needed - I write to keep hold of my own sanity, and if it provides safe space for you guys, that is a welcome bonus.

Be well.

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On the 2nd bullet point:

This will require a review petition (RP) by ADR. Based on my experience of practicing before the SC, I highly doubt it will have an open hearing for the RP. Check this post after the heading “What is a Review Petition” -


This by Mr. Gautam Bhatia - https://indconlawphil.wordpress.com/2024/04/27/an-injudicious-judicial-opinion/

Again by Mr. Bhatia - https://indconlawphil.wordpress.com/2024/03/22/the-unexamined-law-on-the-supreme-courts-stay-order-in-the-election-commissioners-case/

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Good one. Pieces like these hit the nail on the head and are so reassuring. Democracy has spoken.The torch light has flashed on the right faces. Now the Nation wants to know whether everyone has read the writing on the wall.

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