Prem, just a minor tangential point: if Shobha is a Minister of State, she is part of the Council of Ministers but not the Cabinet, right? From what I recall from Civics!

Thanks for the writing as always!

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Yes. Your memory works just fine. I used Cabinet in the loose sense, as in "Rashtrapathi Bhavan has appointed the following to the Union Cabinet" 😊

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The ANI podcast was quite interesting and I would actually recommend it to everyone . You fail to mention that they are not just bashing the

Left wing YouTubers but do the same to polices and actions of BJP too for a great length in that podcast .

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Do recommend it to everyone. Unlike most, I don't selectively clip and use, I posted the link to the full video. Take care, be well

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Prem, which ever medium or channel you finalize on....we, the die-hard fans of your views and writing, truly appreciate you expressing yourself. You are an important voice for us to tune-in to besides other names (Ravish, Dhruv et. al) mentioned in your post.

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Thanks Amit. This platform won't go away -- it is valuable for me personally as well, because this is where I come to think out loud. Anything else that happens will be additional, so... Thanks again, be well

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